Top News From Gas Industry * * *


Cross Border Oil Pipeline Opens Between India and Nepal

KATHMANDU — The leaders of India and Nepal inaugurated South Asia’s first cross country oil pipeline Sept. 10, allowing the Himalayan nation of Nepal to receive an uninterrupted supply of oil from its large southern neighbor. Read More

Capex plans set to impact OMC profits
Green move: VAT on natural gas cut by 11%
India CEO Series: New investments to aid Cairn’s efforts to boost oil production
India’s fuel demand to grow at over 4% through 2030 – Nayara Energy


The Adriatic LNG offshore regasification terminal: 10 years of new energy for Italy

Since September 2009, over 700 carriers arrived at the offshore terminal and safely discharged LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas), which was then regasified and sent into the national pipeline network for a total of over 59 billion cubic meters. More.

Landi Renzo helps LAX airport expand CNG vehicle fleet
How U.S. LNG plays havoc with Dutch gas and Asian shipping
Bringing LNG to big tankers
U.S. natgas output, demand seen rising to record highs in 2019 -EIA

NGS’ comments on Integrated Authorisation of Unified/Pooled Tarrif

NGS 4th O&M Workshop for the CGD industry sees record participation.


The fourth Operation &Maintenance workshop for CGD industry organized by Natural Gas Society on 17-18th February 2020 saw record participation this year. The Multipurpose Hall at the India International Centre was full with about 100 participants from over 30 companies which included CGD entities and industry more


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