Aims and Objectives
Establish itself as a national-level body in the field of natural gas.
Appropriate representation on various committees, bodies, delegations, etc., at national and international levels.
Represent the interest of its members/take up issues of collective interest with the appropriate authorities.
Provide critical inputs on major issues relevant to the development of the natural gas industry.
Facilitate national and international level exchange and sharing of information and technology.
Provide a platform to serve as a think-tank on various issues.
Strategically popularise extensive use of natural gas.
Provide necessary impetus aimed at newer, better, more efficient and cost effective technologies.
Undertake, promote, facilitate, foster and co-ordinate mapping, forecasting, studies and research, economic, statistical and social research.
Conduct feasibility studies for commercial exploitations of research work.
Organise or assist in transfer of technology.
Maintain a centralised pool of legal, technical, financial and management experts, advisors and professionals.
Attract investments in natural gas sector.
Organise and conduct education and training courses, manpower development programmes, professional and intellectual development programmes, entrepreneurial development programmes, executive development programmes, quality orientation programmes, refresher courses, lectures and seminars.
Act as a nodal point for coordination of all efforts at generation and dissemination of information and technology relevant to natural gas.
Encourage development of good customer services and customer relations.
Encourage and promote development of clean technology, renewable energy applications and other activities.
Promote and contribute to the development of legislation and regulations for a sustainable balanced growth of gas industry.
Enhance partnership with industry and manufacturers and cooperation with governments, policy makers and international energy related organisations.