
Different Categories of Membership of Natural Gas Society

The different categories of Membership available in Natural Gas Society (NGS) along with the present rate of Admission Fee and Annual Subscription for the same are mentioned against each:

S. No. Class of Members Admission Fee* Annual Subscription*
1 Patron Rs. 150 Lakhs Rs.   10 Lakhs
2 Primary A Rs.    25 Lakhs Rs.   15 Lakhs
3 Primary B Rs.    20 Lakhs Rs.   10 Lakhs
4 Associate (other than Academic Institutions & Individuals) Rs.    10 Lakhs Rs.     5 Lakhs
5 Associate (Academic Institutions) No Admission Fee Rs.     1 Lakhs
6 Non Voting Member Rs.      1 lakh Rs.     1 lakh
7 Individual Member Rs.500.00 1500.00
8 Individual Member (Life Time) Rs.8000.00 Nil
9 Individual Member – Senior Citizens and Students Rs.300.00 750.00
10 Individual Member – Senior Citizens and Students (Life Time) Rs.4000.00 Nil

   *Plus GST as per Government rules.

Admissibility Criteria: The admissibility criteria for Patron Member is for those Companies having at least 50% revenue from natural gas business and having a turnover of Rs.500 crores or above.  Primary Members is for those Companies having 15% to 50% revenue from natural gas business.  For the Non Voting Membership Rs. 1 lakh is the Admission Fee + Rs. 1 lakh Annual Subscription.

Any person / professional / student may be prescribed may be admitted  as an Individual Member; and who makes a payment of a sum as prescribed by Governing Council from time to time, towards the corpus of the Society and makes an annual subscription as decided by the Governing Council time to time.

For Patron and Primary Membership under Special Membership Drive Scheme, 50% discount will be offered, with the option for payment spread on instalment basis over for a period of 03 years.

Privileges attached to Members: The privileges and the benefits attached to the Members are given below:

Patron Member:

1. Nominated for direct admission to the Governing Council of NGS, on first come first serve basis, by Membership seniority in NGS.
2. Member of the General Body
3. Shall hold the office for two terms (one term is for a period of 3 years).
4. Shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting and shall carry one vote.
5. Free issue of GSR and annual publications.
6. Opportunity for nomination to Committees of International organizations of which NGS is a Member, e.g. IGU, GASEX, Indian Smart Grid Forum, etc.

Primary Member

  • Member of the General Body.
  • Can be a Member of the Governing Council, through election – 4 Members from out of Primary Members.
  • Shall hold the office for one term (one term is for a period of 3 years).
  • Shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting and shall carry one vote.
  • Free issue of GSR and annual publications.
  • Opportunity for nomination to Committees of International organizations of which NGS is a Member, e.g. IGU, GASEX, Indian Smart Grid Forum, etc.


Associate Member

  • Member of the General Body.
  • Can be a Member of the Governing Council, through election – 2 Members from out of Associate Members.
  • Shall hold the office for one term (one term is for a period of 3 years).
  • Shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting and shall carry one vote.
  • Free issue of GSR and annual publications.


Individual Member (Associate Member)

Any person / professional / student may be prescribed may be admitted  as an Individual Member; and who makes a payment of a sum as prescribed by Governing Council from time to time, towards the corpus of the Society and makes an annual subscription as decided by the Governing Council time to time.

Non-Voting Member

  • Free issue of GSR.

Benefits of Membership:

Natural Gas Society (NGS) is a registered body under the Societies Act. It seeks to represent the issues of the industry from time to time and provide critical inputs into sectoral policy through research, collaboration and dialogue. It publishes a quarterly Gas Statistics Report as well as a fortnightly report Snapshot covering news of importance and analytics on – Domestic and International NG price trends, CNG, CGD, LNG market scenario etc.

NGS also helps the members to come together, participate in programs that would enable the industry to exchange safe practices in pipeline related, regulatory and O&M issues, etc. It also opens up the opportunity to sponsor a special research project on any topical issue that has a direct influence on the business in near future on collaborative basis, thus reducing the cost burden on an individual company..

Membership of NGS is open to all entities in the Natural Gas business, upstream, midstream, downstream and retail. In addition, to consolidate the voice of the fragmented CGD segment NGS is also developing a CGD Forum which would act as a platform for developing consensus on common issues related to this sector. The membership is open to all CGD companies and associated entities like CGD Kit manufacturers/pipe suppliers/valve and meter suppliers/dispensers etc.

As a member of Natural Gas Society, organizations will be able to gain advantage of experience sharing while participating in the National level seminars organized by NGS. Apart from this, as a NGS member you could avail special discounts in other relevant conferences based on terms and conditions laid down by the organizers.