They too should be completed in about two months.


They too should be completed in about two months

Thus, civil works on the entire 438-km pipeline between Kochi and Mangaluru should be completed within two months.

Thereafter, various regulatory agencies concerned with safety of gas transpiration have to inspect the line and certify the same for commissioning.

GAIL had earlier said the pipeline work should be over by September 2018; however, delay in obtaining right of way and protests from farmers delayed the project.

Green fuel

With capacity to transport 16 million cubic metres (MCM), the pipeline caters to the LNG needs of Kochi and other way-side towns before catering to Mangaluru. The line enters Karnataka at Kairangala and passes via Konaje, Arkula, and Malavoor and caters to fuel/ feed requirements of industries, including MRPL, MCF etc.

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