Proposal to amend fuel marketing guidelines a little late?
According to experts, the proposal to further open the sector might have come a little too late in the day. This is due to market saturation, lopsided market share of government fuel retailers, advent of electric vehicles (EVs), and continued concerns of government intervention in pricing of auto fuels.
The latest recommendation by a government-constituted expert committee on revising the guidelines for fuel marketing authorisation, if accepted, may bring in the much-needed competition in India’s fuel retail sector, which is dominated by state-owned fuel retailers.
According to experts, the proposal to further open the sector might have come a little too late in the day. This is due to market saturation, lopsided market share of government fuel retailers, advent of electric vehicles (EVs), and continued concerns of government intervention in pricing of auto fuels.
“It may sound like the proposal to revise guidelines has come late in the day because we are now talking about EVs. As such there is a risk hovering over the existing business model. EVs may become a reality after 10 years. In that situation what will happen to the existing retail outlets? So, when such a long-term threat is there to further open up the market at this juncture, timing-wise, it is a bit odd. It should have happened earlier,” said K Ravichandran, senior vice-president at ratings agency ICRA.
Of the 64,624 petrol pumps currently operational in the country, 90 per cent of the petrol pumps are operated by three government-owned oil marketing companies (OMCs), leading among them is Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) with 42.9 per cent share, Hindustan Petroleum (HPCL) with 23.9 per cent share, and Bharat Petroleum (BPCL) with 22.9 per cent share.
The three government-owned OMCs have in the past 11 years, since financial year 2008-09, added an average of 2,518 petrol pumps every year. Moreover, these OMCs last year floated tenders inviting petrol pump dealers to set-up petrol pumps in more than 75,000 locations across the country.
“Even though we have invited applications for more than 75,000 locations, by the end of the entire process we expect to give Letter of Intent (LoI) for about 10,000-15,000 locations as the strikeout rate is quite high. Also, the trend has been more towards tier-II and tier-III cities as metro cities are mostly saturated,” a senior executive at a government-owned OMC said on condition of anonymity.
He added that many petrol pump dealers want to exit the business as the economic potential of developing a property in a metro city is more as compared to the benefits of owning a petrol pump.
On the other hand, private players, who have been allowed to enter the business of marketing transportation fuels since 2002 have only added a total of 6,673 petrol pumps up to April 2019, adding 417 petrol pumps every year since 2002.
However, private players have gradually increased their share of retail outlets to 10 per cent by March 2019, from 6 per cent in March 2013, the increase in the share has been driven mostly by one entity, Nayara Energy — erstwhile Essar Oil.
Among private players, Nayara Energy tops the list with 5,170 pumps followed by Reliance Industries with 1,400 pumps and Royal Dutch Shell with 145 retail outlets.
Explaining the reason behind why private players have not entered the fuel retail sector aggressively, ICRA’s K Ravichandran said, “The main issue has been uncertainty on the regulatory side, for example, today it is unregulated but if tomorrow under high oil price regime the OMCs don’t increase the prices as much as required and government compensates them separately then private players will lose out as the entire sector is not eligible for subsidy sharing. Therefore, private players have expanded in a gradual manner just to see if the pricing regime is going to change that is the biggest risk.”
He added that it is no longer easy for the private sector to roll-out outlets aggressively considering the widespread presence of public sector undertakings (PSUs).
Last year, HPCL, BPCL, and IOC had initiated a 19-day price freeze on petrol and diesel before the Karnataka elections. Similarly, companies had put a freeze on petrol and diesel prices between 16 January 2017 up to 1 April 2017, too, when the company followed fortnightly revision of fuel prices. Five states including Punjab, Goa, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, and Manipur had election during that period.
Another leading analyst at consultancy firm requesting anonymity told ETEnergyworld that there is passive Administered Price Mechanism (APM) already in India, the three firms — IOC, BPCL, and HPCL — price the fuel together and the overall monopoly makes it difficult for private and new players to get in the fuel retail business.
If competing with government-owned OMCs wasn’t enough, private players also have to reckon with the country’s increasing focus on EVs and the subsequent impact on the fuel retail business.
According to the Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles’ latest data, EV sales witnessed a sharp jump of 130 per cent over 56,000 units in 2017-2018.
Also, a steering committee headed by NITI Aayog’s Chief Executive Amitabh Kant has drawn up an extensive plan for replacement of various categories of vehicles by EVs in certain time frames. According to the report, three-wheelers and two-wheelers below 150cc would need to go electric by 2023 and 2025, respectively. Moreover, the government is also working towards increasing EV sales to 30 per cent of total vehicle sales by 2030.
Saudi Aramco and Total declined to comment on the story when contacted, while ExxonMobil did not respond by the time this story went for publishing.
New opportunities
Experts believe that the proposed changes, if accepted, would enhance competition and allow tie-ups between traditional fuel retail companies and supermarts, hyper marts, and eating joints, among others.
The extant policy authorised the right for marketing transportation fuels only by the eligible company — company which has spent Rs 2,000 crore in India’s oil and gas sector — itself or through its subsidiary or through its joint venture (JV) firm with other eligible company or through its JV company with a PSU already marketing transportation fuels.
However, the expert committee in its recommendations has opened up the sector for tie-ups between traditional fuel-retail companies and companies with pure retailing businesses.
Marketing of transportation fuels in developed countries such as the United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) marks a shift from the traditional integrated oil companies to pure retailing companies like hypermarkets and convenience stores (C-stores), which source their fuel from either a fixed refiner or from any refiner.
These retailers then dispense the fuel from their forecourt either in their own brand or in the refiner’s brand name.
In the case of US, nearly 83 per cent of the outlets are of C-stores and they dispense about 80 per cent of the total fuel sold. The traditional oil firms own about 13 per cent of the retail outlets and sell only 6.2 per cent of the fuel, while the hypermarkets, which own only 4 per cent of the outlets sell 13.8 per cent of the fuel.
In the UK, while the hypermarkets own 15.8 per cent of the retail outlets and are selling 43.5 per cent of the fuel, the independent dealers, which are neither part of the oil company or hypermarkets, own 62 per cent of the outlets but are selling 31.7 per cent of the fuels. The rest are either owned or leased by the oil company.
Replying to a question on whether such trends might pick up in India, Ravichandran said, “It is possible, wherever additional land is there and there is scope of optimising an existing space. This kind of expansion is possible in super markets, eating joints, and highways, etc.”
The Committee also recommended to do away with the extant policy requirement of investing Rs 2,000 crore in the sector in order to be eligible for grant of auto fuel marketing authorisation.
It has proposed the extant requirement to be replaced. If accepted, a new entrant will have to set-up a minimum of 100 retail outlets over a seven-year period, of which 5 per cent of the outlets need to be set-up in specified remote areas. Also, the entrant would need to have a minimum net worth of Rs 250 crore to be eligible.