Climate action. India achieved its non-fossil fuel targets nine years ahead: PM Modi

Climate action. India achieved its non-fossil fuel targets nine years ahead: PM Modi India has achieved its installed electric capacity from non-fossil fuel sources, nine years ahead of the target of...

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Tata Steel firm to use LNG powered Capesize carrier for raw material

Tata Steel became the first Indian company to use clean fuel Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) powered Capesize carriers for its raw material movement from Australia to India, the company said...

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LNG – A viable solution for long-haul transportation decarbonization?

LNG vehicles have a driving range of 600-1000 kms in a single fill, giving it an edge vs its more well-known equivalent Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). LNG trucks had seen...

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Canadian Energy Company Spins off Oil Transportation Business to Focus on Natural Gas

Calgary-based TC Energy, the Canadian energy company behind the failed Keystone XL pipeline project, has announced that it is spinning off its oil transportation business to shift its focus to...

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