Cold has traders bidding

Cold has traders bidding But even when overall supplies are abundant, weather and geography can send natural gas prices on wide swings. In the mild winter of 2012, benchmark prices...

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Low temps boost natural gas price as oil turns cold

Low temps boost natural gas price as oil turns cold   The price of natural gas, which swooned just two years ago to the chagrin of drillers and the delight...

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Hawaii Gas wants to keep HECO at a safe distance in LNG expansion project

Hawaii Gas wants to keep HECO at a safe distance in LNG expansion project Hawaii Gas, which is investing about $13 million in its recent expansion plan regarding liquefied natural...

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How Russia could derail US natural gas exports

How Russia could derail US natural gas exports Russia and China have signed two large natural gas deals in the last six months as Russia turns its attention eastward in...

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