Venezuela: Pdvsa opens natural gas fueling site in San Tomé District

Venezuela: Pdvsa opens natural gas fueling site in San Tomé District

The state-owned company, through its subsidiary Pdvsa Gas and Autogas launched the new CNG filling station in the national route San Tomé-El Tigre. As a result, there are now two fueling sites located in the district benefiting oil workers.

According to a report by El Tiempo, the new station has two filling lanes, each of them with double nozzle, which enables four vehicles to be served simultaneously.

Eulises Farias, Pdvsa Gas project manager, said that there are plans to install natural gas stations in the cities of Cantaura and Puerto La Cruz. “It is a great advantage from both saving and environmental sides,” he added.

“Thanks to all this, new jobs were created and now we have a new option to offer for all users in the area,” said Jairo Carrillo, driver, Pdvsa Transportation Management, Ayacucho Division, who also applauded the initiative.

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