Mexico: Michoacán promotes the use of NGVs to improve air quality

Mexico: Michoacán promotes the use of NGVs to improve air quality

The vehicle conversion of gasoline to natural gas is an option – both in public transport vehicles and in passenger cars – to improve air quality and reduce emissions of polluting gases to the environment in Michoacán, said Ricardo Luna García, head of the Secretariat of Environment, Climate Change and Development (Semaccdet),

Luna García explained that natural gas as a vehicle fuel helps reduce CO2 emissions by up to 30% and also generates an average saving of 40% with respect to the cost of filling the vehicle with gasoline.

“It is important that every day more citizens and owners of public transport know this type of less polluting alternatives to the environment, in these times when breathing cleaner air is a factor for the prevention of respiratory diseases and complications in chronic diseases among the population,” said the official.

In 2018, a project was promoted in Morelia, in coordination with the municipal administration, so that taxis and vans could make the transition to CNG. In total, 1,134 vehicles benefited from this process, reported

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