EU-funded project trials hydrogen-fueled rigid truck in the Netherlands

EU-funded project trials hydrogen-fueled rigid truck in the Netherlands

A 27-ton hydrogen fuel cell rigid truck built by VDL started its first demonstration with BREYTNER as part of the EU-funded H2-Share project in Schelluinen, the Netherlands. Wystrach GmbH built a low-energy mobile hydrogen refueler to accompany the truck on its demonstration sites. This truck, which is unique in the Benelux, represents a giant leap forward in the development of the zero-emission heavy-duty vehicle industry in Northwest Europe.

BREYTNER, a zero-emission transport provider, will operate the truck for three months in retail logistics, such as replenishing stores and feeder lines for zero-emission last-mile solutions. By testing the truck in different types of logistical processes, BREYTNER hopes to contribute to the question of where a hydrogen truck is best deployed. After this trial, the truck will go to one of the other project partners for its next demonstration.

The aim is to demonstrate the truck at six locations in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France, where Wystrach is also presenting its user-friendly and officially approved solution in the form of a mobile refueling station with ample storage capacity that allows flexible application possibilities. The truck can also refuel at the hydrogen stations in Rhoon/Rotterdam and Helmond during the demonstration in Schelluinen.

Evidence from the logistics sector shows a strong, growing interest in zero-emission solutions to reduce environmental impact on air quality. The objective of H2-Share (Hydrogen Solutions for Heavy-duty transport Aimed at Reduction of Emissions in North-West Europe) is to facilitate the development of a market for low-carbon heavy-duty vehicles on hydrogen for logistics applications and to gain practical experience in different regions in North-West Europe.

The H2-Share project will deliver proof of readiness of hydrogen technology for heavy-duty applications in real-life conditions and will provide a basis for the development of zero-emission heavy-duty vehicle industry in the NWE area. The project receives 1.69-million-euro EU funding through Interreg NWE and is coordinated by WaterstofNet.

“Currently Europe is facing an unprecedented crisis. Our economy will be greatly affected and hydrogen, as innovative technology, can play a crucial role in supporting the post-COVID-19 recovery plan while complying with the EU Green Deal. With the deployment of the H2Share truck, we have tangible evidence that hydrogen fuel cell technology is ready today to play its part,” said JorgoChatzimarkakis, Secretary General of Hydrogen Europe (European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association).

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