TGE Marine Supplies Gas System for Dual-Fuel LNG Shuttle Carrier
In September, Bonn-based TGE Marine Gas Engineering signed a contract for one firm and one optional vessel for the design and supply of the cargo handling system and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) fuel gas system for an ICE Class 1A LNG shuttle carrier of 18,000 m3 capacity with Neptun Werft GmbH, Germany.
The ship is an extended version of the 15,400 m3 dual-fuel LNG shuttle carrier Coral Energy built by Meyer Werft in 2012 and was ordered again by Anthony Veder Group of The Netherlands. When commissioned the new carrier will bring the number of LNG-fueled vessels in the Anthony Veder fleet to seven.
She is scheduled to be delivered in Q3, 2017. The vessel has been long-term chartered by Skangass Ltd (formerly Gasum) and shall serve the Skagerrak, Kattegat and Baltic Sea areas.
“We are extremely pleased to have been selected again by Meyer/Neptun Werft as supplier for the gas handling system” commented Manfred Küver, TGE Marine’s CEO. “With three currently contracted LNG shuttle carrier newbuildings (30k plus 28k in China with COSCO Dalian and Xinle Shipyard plus 18k with Neptun) under construction and four ships in operation, TGE underlines its leading market position in this new segment.”