Team from IGEM (Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers), UK visits NGS office for collaboration
IGEM (Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers) is a UK based professional body engaged in supporting gas industry professionals and organizations in achieving and maintaining highest standards of professionalism with safety at its core.
The Institution was founded in 1863 as the British Association of Gas Managers by the 1,100+ gas companies in the United Kingdom prior to nationalization. In 2001, the Institution changed its name (and its scope) to the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM). IGEM is licensed by Engineering Council to award Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer and Engineering Technician status and assist individuals to become professionally registered engineers.
The purpose of the Institution is (a) To act as a focal point for formulating and standardizing codes of practice and technical standards for the industry (b) To provide a neutral forum for the exchange of technical and managerial information (c) To ensure that the professional standards of individual gas engineers and those associated with the gas industry are maintained and (d) To encourage good practice through exchange of information.
On 23rd April,2024 the Mr. Andrew Musgrave, President-IGEM and Mr Oliver Lancaster, CEO-IGEM along with Mr. Nitin Patil , Ex CEO, Gujarat Gas Ltd visited the NGS office, Noida. A meeting was held between IEGM and NGS team consisting of Mr. D V Shastry, Executive Director, Mr V C Chittoda, Mr Satish Geda & others to discuss issues of common interests and mutual collaboration. On this occasion, Mr Bhashi Dholakia, CEO, IOAGL Mr P K Dey, CGM-GAIL-GTI & Mr Vinay Patni, GM, GAIL- CGD business group, Mr Vilin Zunke, GM from GAIL Gas Ltd, etc were also present.
The key issues discussed during the meeting were:
- To develop knowledge of the standards/regulations pertaining to Natural Gas/CGD Industry.
- Enticement on IGEM’s Technical Standards expertise to further standards, certification in the Natural Gas sector within India.
- To endeavor to work together on the pathways to net zero carbon.
- To develop and establish policies and programs and procedures that will promote and sustain a market for Natural Gas in India.
- Demonstrate continuation of professional development and competence, and other training, events and certification programs and practices.
- To maintain a product and/or services that meets or exceeds all business and industry standards.
Both IGEM and NGS agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on establishing and achieving various goals and objectives of collaboration of the issues related to the Natural Gas industry.