Spanish government awards over €15M to deploy clean fuel vehicles

Spanish government awards over €15M to deploy clean fuel vehicles

The Spanish government approved the Plan to Boost Mobility with Alternative Energy Vehicles (Spanish acronym: MOVEA), which regulates the direct granting of subsidies for the purchase of alternative energy vehicles in 2016 and unified State aid under one plan contained in the MOVELLE and PIMA Aire Programs. Furthermore, another new feature is the implementation of rapid and semi-rapid recharge points for EVs in public access areas.

The Vice-President of the Government explained that the initiative, with a provision of 16.6 million euros, seeks to boost sustainability, reduce contaminating emissions and diversify energy sources in the transportation sector, thus reducing dependency on petrol.

Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría specified that these subsidies will be allocated to the direct acquisition, leasing or renting of new vehicles that use CNG, LNG, LPG, hydrogen fuel cells or electricity, as their means of propulsion, as well as for electric motorcycles and electric motor-assisted bicycles. Petrol and diesel vehicles are excluded from the plan.

The amount of the subsidies varies according to the category of vehicle, the type of fuel and the maximum authorized weight. In the case of electric vehicles, it depends on their range. The amounts go from 200 euros to 20,000 euros. On a general basis, applications can be made from 1 January 2016 to 15 October 2016.