Spain: SEAT CNG-powered car brings the King’s Cup to Seville


Spain: SEAT CNG-powered car brings the King’s Cup to Seville

While FC Barcelona and Valencia Football Club prepared for the match, the trophy of the King’s Cup (Spain’s oldest national football championship) left Madrid, traveling 595 kilometers in a natural gas powered car to Seville, taking advantage of the trip to verify the savings in fuel and emissions featured by a vehicle of these efficient characteristics.

Starting line-up: The sterling silver cup, weighing 9 kilos and standing 78 centimeters tall, left the Spanish Royal Football Federation headquarters in Madrid. It was transported in the boot of a SEAT Arona TGI, the world’s first SUV to feature this alternative fuel.

Starting whistle to open the match: Once safely stowed away, the trophy set off for its destination. In terms of performance and power, the feeling of driving a natural gas powered car is exactly the same as a petrol unit.

No fouls worthy of yellow or red cards: The difference when driving a CNG car is that CO2 emissions are reduced by 25% compared to petrol. This is a sustainable vehicle which gives no cause to worry about pollution-related driving restrictions in cities, in this case Madrid.

Half-time: There are six natural gas filling stations on the route from Madrid to Seville, but only one refueling stop was needed as the SEAT Arona TGI has a range of 400 km with CNG. It also has a petrol tank, which activates only when the compressed natural gas runs out, offering an additional 160 kilometers of driving distance.

Added time: The trophy arrived at Benito Villamarín stadium in Seville, a distance of 595 kilometers at a cost of 21.20 euros. This means a savings of 30 euros versus the same journey using petrol.

The final whistle: The Cup was all ready for Saturday match. It was raised by Valencia.

SEAT is a pioneer in the promotion of CNG as a vehicle fuel in the Iberian Peninsula, a region that has experienced a great growth in the adoption of clean energy. In this extremely encouraging scenario, AltFuels Iberia 2019 will take place on 11-14 June at IFEMA Trade Center, in Madrid. It will be an event conformed by first level conferences and exhibition, with the presence of companies, organizations and experts from all over the world that will analyze the present and future of the industry and will exhibit the latest technology in alternative fuels and sustainable mobility. For more information, contact

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