Port of Gothenburg sets up Sweden’s first regulations for LNG bunkering

Port of Gothenburg sets up Sweden’s first regulations for LNG bunkering

A growing number of ships worldwide run on liquefied natural gas. Now they can bunker this cleaner fuel alternative at the Port of Gothenburg. New bunkering regulations for ships operating on LNG have been drafted by the Gothenburg Port Authority and the Port of Rotterdam together with the Swedish Transport Agency. The regulations will allow cargo ships to bunker LNG at a cargo terminal and are the first general regulations to be introduced in Sweden.

“We firmly believe that liquefied natural gas is the marine fuel of the future. The new regulations will have a key role to play in bringing added momentum to our region,” said Dan-Erik Andersson, Vice President Operations at the Port of Gothenburg Energy Port.

The regulations not only cover bunkering from land using a road truck but also from a bunker vessel, what is known as ship-to-ship bunkering. Requirements governing safety zones, weather, bunker vessels, receiving vessels, terminals and other aspects are included in the new operating regulations.

“It is particularly pleasing that many ports in Sweden and in other countries have shown great interest in what we have done and are formulating their regulations using our regulations as a template. Even public agencies such as the US Coastguard have contacted us and are interested in an exchange of knowledge,” added Andersson.
