ONGC unveils high-tech spool base

ONGC unveils high-tech spool base

India’s first deep water project, commissioned by ONGC, saw the unveiling of high-tech spool base facilities at L&T Hydrocarbons’ fabrication facility at Kattupalli near the Ennore port in Chennai on Friday.

Two drilling rigs have been deployed at deep water Vashishta S1 Fields on India’s east coast. The project will be using remotely operated vehicles (ROV) to drill at 700 metres below sea level. The ONGC project, executed by J. Ray Mc Dermott S.A., Berlian McDermott and L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering, will have the capacity to produce up to 4.5 billion cubic feet of gas, an initiative that will help the union government to move more towards a gas-based economy.

This will be the consortium’s first project, involving three sub-sea wells in depths ranging from 400 metres-700 metres. “For our deep water campaign, this is a very significant step because we are going towards a gas-based economy for which it was very important to prepare ourselves for the future challenges,” said T K Sengupta, director, offshore, ONGC.

ArunabhaSen, country manager, McDermott Inc., said this consortium will have a long-term association and will bid for upcoming projects. The upcoming $5.1 billion 98/2 project is expected to enhance drilling capacity to 1400 metres below sea level in cluster-2 stage. With cluster-3, the deep-water team will take drilling up to 2,800 metres, a path breaking attempt in offshore drilling, Sengupta claimed.

“In the last 40 years, India has attempted only shallow water drilling,” he said.

“We expect to commence production by mid-2017 and achieve full capacity of 2 billion cubic meters of gas per annum by end 2017,” he said. The ONGC project is currently giving jobs to as many as 300 locals in and around Chennai. The total Indian employees at Ennore number more than 1,200. The company also employs highly skilled foreign workers.

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