EPM Continues to Expand CNG Refueling in Colombia
In celebration of its 60 years and within its purpose of encouraging sustainable mobility in the Aburrá Valley of Colombia, Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM), a public utilities company, recently inaugurated its fourteenth Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) filling station. The CNG station is located on race 65, approximately 50 metres from the Punto Cero (“Ground Zero”) Interchange in the northwest of Medellin, which is part of the strategic Aburrá Valley corridor.
During the opening ceremony, which was attended by the Minister of Mines and Energy, Tomás González Estrada and the Mayor of Medellin, Anibal Gaviria Correa, General Manager and leader of the Group EPM EPM, Juan Esteban Restrepo Street, said that “with the opening of the 14 CNG station we reaffirm our commitment to promote sustainable mobility in the Aburrá Valley, presenting CNG as a fuel for now and in the future that helps protect the planet and generate significant savings for families, businesses and carriers.”
Of the fourteen stations, 13 are in the Aburrá Valley and one in Apartadó.
EPM also expressed intention to develop and promote other natural gas refueling corridors and offers various financial incentives to parties interested in constructing CNG stations, converting vehicles to CNG or buying new natural gas vehicles (NGVs) complete with warranty protection.
According to an analysis conducted for the accumulated consumption of CNG in the metropolitan area between June 2014 and May 2015, thanks to the use of this energy reduction of 510 291 tonnes of volatile organic compounds and 7,055 tons of particulate matter was achieved. EPM says this demonstrates the emission of pollutants by using CNG are lower than those generated by any other fossil fuel.
In Colombia there are 520,000 natural gas vehicles, including more than 52,000 in the Department of Antioquia, of which Medellín is the capital city.