CNG Infrastructure Expansion in Tomsk
Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo, LLC (GMT – Gazprom Gas Fuel) is to construct two CNG stations in the Tomsk region in the cities of Tomsk and Seversk. The opening of new stations is planned for the fourth quarter of 2015. Total capital investment for the implementation of these projects will be around RUB 306 million (USD 6 million).
Currently, in the Tomsk region there are two NGV filling stations of Gazprom Group, located in Tomsk. Capacity of these stations is 16.6 million m³ of compressed natural gas (CNG) per year. The sales volume of CNG in 2014 was 8.8 million m³ (2013 – 7.5 million m³), which is 17.3% higher than in 2013. Once the new stations are commissioned, capacity in the region will reach 32.2 million m³ of CNG per year.
GMT plans to build an addtional three CNG filling stations in the region by 2023: in the cities of Tomsk and Asino and the village of Melnikovo. A CNG module is also to be installed at one of the existing gas stations in the city of Tomsk. That will bring the total number of CNg stations to eight by 2023, reaching annual capacity of 52.6 million m³ per year.
“In the Tomsk region, there are more than 1,200 pieces of equipment running on natural gas. The presence of a significant number of companies – potential consumers of motor fuel, and the growing dynamics of filling stations showed positive prospects for the development of the market of motor fuel in the region,” said General Director of GMT, Mikhail Likhachev.