California’s Reliance on Natural Gas and the Implications for its Energy Grid

Californian environmentalists continue to advocate for renewable energy sources as a means to power the state’s energy grid. However, the reality is that California’s current energy policies are unsustainable and are leading to an increased reliance on natural gas.

Despite renewable sources accounting for 34% of the power supply, during a recent heat wave, the state depended more on natural gas, which provided 40% of the power supply. While renewables dominated during peak sunlight hours due to heavy reliance on solar energy, the highest demand for electricity occurred around 7 p.m., and natural gas accounted for nearly half of the state’s power.

The energy problem in California is entirely self-inflicted, with state leaders embracing the climate predictions of environmentalists without considering the practicality and efficiency of different energy sources. Californian Democrats have been opposed to nuclear energy, which is both clean and more efficient than solar or wind power.

Furthermore, the state’s decision to ban gas-powered items including furnaces, water heaters, and gas stoves, while also planning to ban gas-powered cars in the next decade, will only exacerbate the energy demand. California is expecting to add approximately 15 million electric vehicles to their roads, which will require a significant increase in the energy supply.

The state’s current options for meeting its energy needs are limited. Wind and solar energy are not progressing at the rate necessary, leading California to import a substantial portion of its energy from other states, ranging from 20% to 33%. Additionally, the state’s only remaining nuclear plant, which provides about 9% of the energy, is being hampered by environmentalist demands.

As a result, Californians are being asked to reduce their energy usage, including charging their electric cars. However, the situation will only worsen if nuclear energy is phased out while millions more electric cars are added to the roads.

California’s energy predicament is entirely avoidable, stemming from the misguided belief that it alone can solve climate change through radical energy policies. As the state moves away from practical and efficient energy sources, its energy grid will become increasingly unstable, potentially leading to a return to fossil fuels as a solution.

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