Balearic Government Incentivises CNG Vehicle Acquisitions


Balearic Government Incentivises CNG Vehicle Acquisitions

The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Balearic Government has approved aid to the value of EUR 300,000 (USD 337k) to encourage operators of public transportation vehicles to switch to compressed natural gas (CNG) transport, as this fuel is more sustainable and 40% cheaper, according to a Ministry statement.

The Aid Package is 50% funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

“This call for aid aims to complement the sustainable mobility directive of the Government in the field of public transportation vehicles,” said the general director of Industry and Energy, Jaume Ochogavía, who explains that the Compressed Natural Gas is a sustainable low-emission fuel. Furthermore, “a vehicle that operates on CNG can deliver cost savings for the user of up to 40% compared to traditional fuels.”

Support to the amount of EUR 700 per applicant is made available for the acquisition of CNG cars and vans that are intended for public transportation. Vehicles converted to CNG are also eligible. Aid ranges from EUR 700 for vehicles under 2,500 kg MMTA (Maximum Permissable All-up Weight) to EUR 2,000 euros for those of more than 2,500 kg MMTA.

The call also includes an appropriation of EUR 40,000 to aid taxi license holders. For the acquisition of new CNG fuelled autotaxis or for transforming these vehicles to be fuelled with CNG, the Government will likewise provide aid of 700 euros per applicant.

Fund applications are assessed in chronological order of receipt, with funding to continue until the appropriations are exhausted.