Authors Argue Natural Gas Right for Australian Transport

Authors Argue Natural Gas Right for Australian Transport

A new publication by leading Australian research bodies assessing the case for increased use of natural gas as a transport fuel to improve Australia’s fuel security will be officially launched at Parliament House next week. Senator Matthew Canavan will launch the book, Transport Fuels from Australia’s Gas Resources – Advancing the nation’s energy security, following an opening address by the Chief Scientist of Australia, Professor Ian Chubb.

The research bodies found that by using natural gas as a transport fuel, Australia’s fuel self-sufficiency could be increased to 50 to 70 per cent by 2030 compared to 30 to 40 per cent using current fuel sources.

They also estimated that natural gas could deliver an AUD 20 million (USD 17.2 million) a year benefit through carbon abatement if half of Australia’s 87,000 heavy articulated trucks were running on LNG, not diesel.

The book discusses the merits of encouraging the use of natural gas as a transport fuel as part of energy security policy, and ultimately calls for a joint government and industry approach to addressing barriers to its uptake.

Edited by Professor Robert Clark and Dr Mark Thomson, the book is the product of research by the UNSW, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, CSIRO, Geoscience Australia, the Grattan Institute, the South Australian Department of State Development, the United States Studies Centre and CO2CRC.

The launch will take place 4 December 2014.

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