UK: BMW uses LNG fleet to transport components to MINI Plant Oxford

UK: BMW uses LNG fleet to transport components to MINI Plant Oxford

A new fleet of 18 trucks powered by LNG is helping to drive sustainable logistics at MINI Plant Oxford. Operated by logistics company Imperial, the new vehicles have now hit the road, transporting parts and components from suppliers on 15 different routes across the UK to the home of the MINI brand. This plant, located in Cowley, southeast Oxford, is a BMW car assembly facility where MINI cars are built.

The fleet has already delivered a reduction of approximately 20% in CO² and NO x emissions, compared to diesel alternatives. In future, a total CO² reduction of up to 90% is expected by using bio-LNG.

“We are really excited to be working with Imperial on this project as part of our wider efforts to improve sustainability throughout all areas of the BMW Group. With environmental benefits, lower emissions and quieter engines, these LNG-powered lorries will deliver components from across the UK to the heart and home of MINI in Oxford. The fleet will travel from more than a dozen key suppliers, including BMW Plant Hams Hall, and it means that around 20% of all Lorries now coming to MINI Plant Oxford will be powered by LNG fuel. This is a great example of how two companies can work together to achieve their sustainability goals,” said Thomas Frank, Director of Logistics, MINI Plant Oxford.

Imperial has successfully trialed LNG trucks in both the UK and Germany over the past 12 months. The company has installed its own LNG facility close to MINI Plant Oxford, which means vehicles on routes with limited refueling opportunities can leave Oxford with a full tank before continuing their onward journey.

“At Imperial we don’t just focus on our profitability; our people and the environment are a very important consideration. We consider it our duty as part of the worldwide population to invest in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and integrate respective practices whenever possible in the daily course of business; and so the opportunity to reduce our UK haulage operation’s environmental impact was compelling. We’re delighted to be working with the BMW Group and MINI Plant Oxford as part of a joint effort to improve sustainability in logistics, reconciling business efficiency with environmental protection,” added Mark Miles, Managing Director, Imperial UK.

MINI Plant Oxford has already adapted to a 360-degree sustainability strategy involving heat regeneration, environmentally friendly production, the harvesting of rainwater and one of Britain’s largest solar energy facilities. The next step is to increase sustainability in all areas of its supply chain and logistics operations.BMW Group is developing CO²-minimizing ‘Green Logistics’ concepts, and is working with service providers to use natural gas-powered and electric trucks worldwide in order to reduce emissions in transportation.

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