Transport woes for IOCL’s Paradip Refinery as trucks stay off roads

Transport woes for IOCL’s Paradip Refinery as trucks stay off roads

Sources said there has been no effect of the lockdown on production in Paradip Refinery as petroleum products are considered as essential commodities.

PARADIP: Transportation of petroleum products from Paradip Refinery of the Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) has taken a severe beating as the three major truck owners’ associations have stopped plying their vehicles due to the lockdown.

In view of the emerging situation, Paradip, Jagannath and Jagatsinghpur truck owners’ associations have suo motu stopped engaging their vehicles in transportation activities. This has badly affected IOCL’s supply of polymer and pet coke to different companies of the State. Nearly 3,000 trucks have been engaged in cargo operation in different areas under Paradip.

Sources said there has been no effect of the lockdown on production in Paradip Refinery as petroleum products are considered as essential commodities. The refinery continues to produce petroleum coke and polymer which are being supplied to different industries of Odisha through roadways.

Recently, the authorities of Paradip Refinery had urged the district administration to provide trucks for transportation of petroleum products and also sought the cooperation of truck owners’ associations in smooth cargo operations.

On Thursday, Jagatsinghpur Collector Sangram Keshari Mohapatra convened a meeting with the office bearers of truck owners’ associations and IOCL officials to resolve the issue.During the meeting, presidents of all the three associations expressed their helplessness and said truck drivers and helpers are unable to come out of their homes due to the lockdown. Many villages have restricted residents from going out as a preventive measure to stop the spread of coronavirus.

This apart, since hotels, dhabas and roadside eateries are closed, it is a herculean task for truck drivers and helpers to arrange food during their journey. Besides, garages have also been shut down making it impossible to repair vehicles in case of a breakdown.

Mohapatra said the administration will look into the problems being faced by drivers and helpers. Discussions will also be held with IOCL officials to know about the areas where petroleum products need to be sent and the number of trucks required to transport the cargo.

“The district administration has advised IOCL officials to provide food and other essential requirements to drivers and helpers at different petrol pumps across the State,” the Collector added.Among others, Paradip ADM KanhuCharanDhir, presidents of Paradip, Jagatsinghpur and Jagannath truck owners’ associations and IOCL officials were present in the meeting.

Sanitisation drive at refinery

Paradip: IOCL’s Paradip Refinery has carried out sanitisation drive by spraying disinfectant on roads near the zero point. Similar exercise has also been undertaken inside the plant, township, CISF colony and the approach roads. The refinery is also providing food to drivers and helpers of 50 trucks stranded near the refinery gate due to the lockdown.

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