Spain: Santander plans to become a strategic LNG bunkering port

Spain: Santander plans to become a strategic LNG bunkering port

A consortium formed by the Port of Santander, Repsol LNG Holding (RLH), ESK and Enagás will implement and improve the LNG bunkering infrastructures in an area of ​​port influence of the Trans-European Global Transport Network (TEN-T Comprehensive Network) through a project that will last approximately four years and two months.

This action has European aid within the CEF-Transport program, specifically in the Call for Projects on the Comprehensive Network (CEF-T-2019-1-AP-TRANSPORT) / Maritime Ports, of 6,334,607 euros to be distributed among the partners according to their activity.

In the case of the Port of Santander, the amount received is 2,977,140 euros. The objective is to satisfy the necessary requirements to overcome the existing barriers in the LNG supply network, providing facilities for refueling vessels in Santander as a strategic port in northern Spain. For this, the action is based on the design and construction of an LNG bunkering terminal in the Port of Santander.

This facility will be used, as a priority, for LNG bunkering to the new ships that Brittany Ferries is building, and whose first ship, Galicia, is scheduled to start operating later this year. The new ferries are prepared to use LNG as fuel, so they will be able to meet the strict SOx emission standards that came into force in 2020.

The port of Santander must provide the required infrastructures, which are specified in the construction of a new Maliaño pier, sections 1-4, with an alignment of 400 m, and a ro-ro ramp, an essential complement to the traffic generated by Brittany Ferries. However, the dock and the LNG storage and supply facility for ships are expected to provide service in the future to other ro-ro traffics that the Port of Santander maintains with northern European ports.

The action will be carried out in collaboration with ESK as a transport company, which will design, manufacture and operate the tank trucks that will supply the LNG to the bunker terminal from the nearest regasification terminal, and with Enagás, as an expert in LNG plant management in Spain.

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