Relief package demanded for CNG sector

Relief package demanded for CNG sector

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa chapter of the All Pakistan CNG Association here on Friday demanded of the government to announce a “special financial relief package” for the CNG sector which was bearing the adverse effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

The demand was made during a meeting chaired by APCNGA KP Chairman Fazal Muqeem Khan, said a statement issued here. Abdul Haq, HafeezullahMarwat, Khaliqur Rehman, Tahir Jay, Jawad Khan, Imran Khan, Zainullah and Malik Irfan-ud-Din also attended the meeting.

The meeting, while urging the federal government to announce a tariff relief package for the CNG sector, said that the CNG sector employed a huge number of people and contributed massively to the exchequer.

The participants demanded of the government to reduce gas tariff to Rs780 per MMBUTU across the country, a rate that would maintain parity between CNG and petrol. They recommended sales tax on the cost of gas at 17pc only and sought a 4pc exemption in income tax.

Fazal Muqeem said that the government should have reduced CNG prices when it reduced petrol prices. He feared massive unemployment in the CNG sector if the government ignored their demands as well as investment worth billions of rupees going to waste. Fazal Muqeem said that CNG was not only environment friendly but it was also a source of revenue earning for the country.

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