Portuguese freight company chooses Scania for its transition to NGVs

Portuguese freight company chooses Scania for its transition to NGVs

Transportes Central Pombalense, which has more than 54 years dedicated to the transport of goods both nationally and internationally, operates trucks prepared for all types of cargo. Currently its fleet consists of about 300 Scania vehicles, three of which are powered by LNG. The latter feature engines with a power of 410 hp and 2,000 Nm from 1,100 to 1,400 rpm, figures comparable to those of diesel engines of the same size.

“Our decision to bet on LNG vehicles was aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and the environmental footprint, since we have to worry about this issue worldwide. One of the main advantages of acquiring an LNG vehicle is also the economic issue, the cost of the kilometer compared to a diesel vehicle,” said Renato Neves, managing partner of T.C. Pombalense

Pedro António, traffic manager at T.C. Pombalense, also commented: “Currently, we use these vehicles for transportation nationwide from Trás-os-Montes to the Algarve. The route is planned day by day and service by service taking into account the need for natural gas supply.”

“At this time, with about 300 Scania vehicles, our relationship with the brand is no longer supplier and customer; it’s something more. There is a reliability, trust in Scania. We believe it is a good product, hence we continue betting on the brand,” added Renato Neves.

To analyze this extremely positive scenario for natural gas and sustainable mobility in Portugal and the region, and evaluate, AltFuels Iberia 2020 will be held on 5-9 October at IFEMA Trade Fair Center in Madrid. The event will address the latest technological developments in alternative fuels, featuring first level conferences and exhibition of vehicles of all kinds, refueling stations, components, plants, and road and marine engines, among other things, with multiple networking and business options. For more information, please contact info@altfuelsiberia.com.


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