OPINION: Keeping pace with indigenization – impact on Oil & Gas industry

OPINION: Keeping pace with indigenization – impact on Oil & Gas industry

Bidding for contracts with Indian Government entities – India’s localization requirements could help you get a preference while bidding.

New Delhi: Modi Government’s marquee Make in India and post COVID-19 Atmanirbhar campaign, which aims at self-reliance, are driving businesses to re-look at their operational strategy.

Some key policy changes announced recently are:

1. Mandatory approval of Reserve Bank of India for foreign investments by investors/beneficial owners from countries with whom India shares a land border
2. Mandatory registration with the Competent Authorities of bidders (from countries with whom India shares a land border) participating in contracts with Government entities
3. Revised Public Procurement policy (‘PPP’) dated 4 June 2020 to incentivise Indian value addition/ local content (‘LC’). This PPP appears to permit global tenders by Government entities only for contracts exceeding INR 200 crore (~US$26 million). It also provides for 20% purchase preference margin (‘PP’) based on LC. However, existing PPP dated 25 April 2017 for the Oil & Gas (‘O&G’) sector remains unchanged and continues to apply.
4. Change in eligibility criteria for classification as Medium, Micro and Small Enterprises (‘MSMEs’) and removal of distinction between manufacturing and service enterprises

What do these changes means for a business in O&G industry?

Attractiveness of MSME registration (Udyam)
MSME Act covers manufacturing and service enterprises and excludes activities such as trading, fishing, forestry, etc. The revised threshold for eligibility for MSMEs are:

Certain key advantages of being registered as MSME/Micro and Small enterprises (MSE) which may be for players in O&G sector are:
– Medium enterprises’ receivables from Government entities to be released in 45 days – COVID-19 measure. Further, MSEs receivables from all payers to be released in 45 days. In cases of non-payment, MSEs can apply on MSME Samadhan portal for redressal. Also, mandatory corporate law reporting (half-yearly) for companies for delay in payments to MSMEs beyond 45 days

– Advantage of MSEs
o Certain reserved goods and services to be procured by Government entities only from MSEs
o Government entities to procure 25 % of their annual requirements mandatorily from MSEs
o No tender fee/ bid bond/earnest money for Government contracts

– Central and state incentives / schemes to help MSMEs – Credit assistance, skill development, marketing/ branding assistance, cheaper quality certifications, access to domestic/ export markets, subsidies on capital/ interest payments/ reimbursements of duties, electricity, cost, etc

Additionally, COVID-19 stimulus for MSME’s seeks to address finance gap by directing banks/ NBFC’s to provide emergency credit line (subject to conditions), set-up Funds of Funds to enable MSME’s to receive equity funding, facility for subordinate debt for stressed MSMEs, waiver/ reduction of late filing fee, interest and penalty for certain indirect tax levies, etc.

Local content norms

The revised PPP encourages domestic (local value addition) participation in public procurement activities instead of participants who rely merely on imports and/or assemble in India.

Under revised PPP, suppliers of goods and services to Government entities are divided into three categories. Class I is a supplier with more than 50 per cent LC and is entitled to PP. Class II is a supplier with 20 to 50 per cent LC, while suppliers with less than 20 per cent LC are termed as non-local suppliers. Only class-I entitled for PP. Further, non-local suppliers are barred from participating in government tenders up to INR 200 crores.

At the outset, where the Government/ Ministry determines that there is sufficient LC, only Class I allowed to bid, irrespective of contract value. Secondly, for divisible contracts, lowest bidder (‘L1’) will be awarded 50% of contract value while lowest Class I bidder within 20% of L1 will be allotted balance 50% of contract value subject to matching L1. For others, the lowest Class 1 bidder within 20% of L1 will be awarded the contract if they are L1 or if they match L1.

For O&G projects by Government entities (i.e. upstream, midstream and downstream, except deep water, High Pressure and High Temperature), PPP dated 24 April 2017 will continue apply as it was issued after 1 January 2015 (as provided by the revised PPP). However, the requirement of issuing global tenders with value only beyond INR 200 crores (i.e. US$26 million) will apply to O&G project also. Further, O&G PPP does not include goods/ services falling under MSME policy.

In addition to aforesaid policies, bidders for contracts of Government entities also need evaluate implications of registration/ screening requirements if they are from a country with whom India shares land borders.

Impact analysis, especially for foreign bidders

Considering the changing dynamics, policies and thrust of Indian Government on indigenization, foreign and Indian players in Indian O&G sector need to re-align their strategy to capitalise on the opportunities.

Among others, the aim should be to maximize LC through partnerships, cooperation with local companies, establishing production units in India, joint ventures with Indian suppliers, increasing the participation of local employees in services, using Indian technology, etc.

Traditionally, foreign companies preferred to bid for Indian O&G contracts without setting-up Indian entities for reasons such as lower compliance burden, gross-basis tax regime, etc. However, aforesaid policy changes may compel foreign companies to now set-up local Indian entities (subject to evaluation of bid qualification criteria) to be able to bid for contracts below INR 200 crores (US$26 million) and meet LC requirements.

Income-tax consideration will also be a key driver, especially after reduction in corporate tax rates for Indian companies and India moving to classical system of taxation for dividends (in hands of shareholders without there being any Dividend Distribution Tax). A company will be on better-off qua income-tax consideration by operating though an Indian company (approx. tax leakage 32.65% assuming tax rate of 25.17% and tax on dividend of 10%) as against foreign entity offering income to tax on 10 % deemed profit basis (approx. tax leakage 4.369% of revenues), provided profit-margin is up to 13%.

Further, O&G contracts involving use of vessels, Indian flagging may me critical as the same is considered as 100% LC. In addition, specific income-tax regime (tonnage-tax) may also be applicable, subject to evaluation. This will help in competitive bidding/ pricing.

Adapt to flourish

Businesses need to adapt to the changes in regulations/ policies in India. While there is an edge to indigenous players and MSMEs, at the same time there is immense opportunity for foreign companies to tap Indian markets with strategic restructuring for contracts with Government companies.

As with every change, those who adapt will flourish!

[This piece was authored by Sanjay Grover, Partner and Leader – O&G Tax with inputs from Preeti Datar, Senior Manager, and Palak Agrawal, Senior Consultant, EY LLP]

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