Mitsubishi Shipbuilding develops LNG fuel supply system for LNG-powered car carrier

Mitsubishi Shipbuilding develops LNG fuel supply system for LNG-powered car carrier

Japan’s Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co has delivered a first LNG fuel supply system, the Fuel Gas Supply System (FGSS), for dual fuel marine engines.

Mitsubishi Shipbuilding, a unit of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), said the FGSS will be installed onboard the first LNG fuelled pure car carrier (PCC) currently under construction at Shin Kurushima Toyohashi Shipbuilding.

“The supply of FGSS is expected to greatly contribute to the environmental performance of the ship and not only to meet the sulphur oxide (SOx) emission regulations coming effect globally in 2020, but also to improve the energy efficiency (CO2 emissions per unit of transportation) of the ship by approximately 40%, which is far exceeding the IMO EEDI Phase 3 requirements that will become effective in 2025,” Mitsubishi Shipbuilding said.

EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index) is the number of grams of CO2 required to carry one tonne of cargo for one mile, and the reduction rate from the baseline will be gradually increased. Car carriers are required to implement reductions of 5% by 2015 under Phase 1, 15% by 2020 under Phase 2, and 30% by 2025 under Phase 3.

“The ship is additionally expected to reduce SOx by approximately 99% and nitrogen oxides (NOx) by approximately 86% compared with the conventional heavy oil-fired engines,” Mitsubishi Shipbuilding said.

“Further, the ship has also been adopted by Japan’s Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism as the model project to reduce CO2 emissions by using alternative fuel,” the shipbuilder added.

The FGSS, developed by Mitsubishi Shipbuilding, utilises LNG and vaporised gas handling technology based on its extensive experience in the construction of LNG carriers. The system has been verified for marine use in marine engine test facilities at engine manufacturers.

The FGSS consists of LNG fuel tanks, LNG fuel gas supply units and control unit. The system is delivered in modules, which is expected to contribute to the optimum design of the cargo space and help the shipyard shorten the installation period, as well as support safe operation by customising the control system to meet the operational needs of the vessel operator.

Mitsubishi Shipbuilding said it is also providing engineering service and technical support relating to the gas handling of the ship.

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