Mahanagar Gas hikes CNG, PNG prices again in Mumbai

Mahanagar Gas Limited (MGL), which supplies Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and domestic Piped Natural Gas (PNG) in and around Mumbai, has hiked the prices with effect from the midnight of April 12. While the CNG price has increased by Rs 5/kg, the PNG price has been hiked by 4.50/Standard Cubic Metre (SCM).

CNG would now cost Rs 72/kg and domestic PNG is priced at Rs 45.50/SCM.

This is the second increase in the prices of CNG and PNG in the month of April. On April 5, MGL increased the prices of CNG and PNG by Rs 7 and Rs 5 respectively.

The company said the selling price of domestically-produced natural gas had been increased by 110 percent by the Government of India with effect from April 1, 2022. It has been further saying the cost of regasified LNG, being blended to offset the shortfall in the availability of domestic gas for CNG and domestic PNG segments, was at historically high levels.

MGL cut the retail price of CNG by Rs 6 and PNG by Rs 3.50/SCM in and around Mumbai effective from April 1 due to the reduction in VAT on natural gas from 13.5 percent to 3 percent by the state government.

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