KP Govt To Setup Facilitation Centre At Each District ForLabourers: Labour Minister

KP Govt To Setup Facilitation Centre At Each District ForLabourers: Labour Minister

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 19th Apr, 2020 ) :The KP Government would setup facilitation centre at each district for labourers in the province, Labour Minister Shaukat Yousafzai said on Sunday.

In a statement here, the Minister said payment of minimum wages announced by the Government for labourers would be ensured.

He said it has been decided to establish complaint cell at Labour Department for resolution of workers problems on priority basis.

Shaukat said measurement of gasoil and daily use items at CNG stations, petrol pumps and shops would be made transparent.

He said the registered labourers would be provided dowery, death grants, disability and death pensions, adding legislation for increasing death payment from Rs three lakh to Rs six lakh to be paid by owner and a proposal is under consideration to ensure provide minimum wages to labourers through banks.

The workers of brick klins, coal mines and others would be registered and urged Govt departments to pay wages to projects employees as per the Government decision.

The Minister said directives were issued to collect data of workers of the industrial units, mines, hotels and commercial plazas, saying he has a complete support of the KP Chief Minister as he wanted prosperity of labourers in the province.

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