Gujarat: VAT on fuel & gas to go up

Gujarat: VAT on fuel & gas to go up

The state government has been borrowing heavily to meet its expenses and also pay back existing debt, as its revenues from various quarters have dwindled because of the lockdown

Gandhinagar: The state government is considering the option of hiking value added tax (VAT) on petroldiesel and gas to compensate the huge losses in government revenue because of the lockdown necessitated because of the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. However, the government is still weighing its options, as the move could create a backlash and uproar.The state government has been borrowing heavily to meet its expenses and also pay back existing debt, as its revenues from various quarters have dwindled because of the lockdown.Sources close to the development said, “As compared to peer group states, our VAT and cess on petrol, diesel and gas are lesser. Due to loss of income because of the lockdown, many states have increased VAT on petrol, diesel and gas. The state government is also pondering to increase rates.’’ At present petrol and diesel attract a VAT of 17 per cent and 4 per cent cess while on gas, only 15 per cent VAT is applicable. “Government is looking at option to raise VAT rates. There is also a possibility to two different rates for petrol and diesel. Final decision is expected in next two three days. Tnn

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