First station of Spain’s future biggest NGV fueling network is operational

First station of Spain’s future biggest NGV fueling network is operational

Redexis and Cepsa have opened the first natural gas refueling station, within the framework of a strategic agreement announced in June last year, for which both companies committed to create the largest natural gas refueling network in Spain. The new facility, which is already in service, has a natural gas dispenser capable of supplying LNG to all types of heavy vehicles, in a refueling time of between 3 and 6 minutes.

The station is located at exit 649 of the Mediterranean Highway (A-7), passing through Puerto Lumbreras (Murcia). It is a strategic location for the transport of goods, through which between 5,000 and 8,000 heavy vehicles circulate daily, since it is the main communication route between Barcelona and Algeciras.

Redexis has made an investment close to one million euros to carry out the construction of this natural gas station, which is also expected to refuel light vehicles with CNG in the coming months.

“At Cepsa we want to offer our customers all the energy solutions they need by diversifying our offer. Today we begin to realize our goal of promoting the largest natural gas mobility network in Spain, both for light and heavy transport, and continue advancing in the energy transition,” said Belén Mateo, Director of Franchise and Direct Management of Service Stations at Cepsa

Moreover, Javier Migoya, Director of B2B Expansion of Redexis, commented: “We celebrate the start-up of this first natural gas station with Cepsa, which means continuing to promote the energy infrastructure so that professionals and citizens have more economical, sustainable and environmentally friendly mobility solutions. We continue advancing in our firm commitment to promote natural gas as a real alternative of sustainable mobility.”

Cepsa and Redexis are working on the opening of 20 natural gas stations in Spain that will be built and launched throughout 2020, and that involve an investment of about 15 million euros.

Natural gas is a real alternative of sustainable mobility, with low CO2 emissions and that does not emit particles or sulfur oxides. Its implementation helps to improve the air quality of cities and reduce their noise level. In addition, NGVs are also competitive in cost because, in addition to benefiting from discounts or bonuses on the traffic tax, they represent savings of 30% in cost per kilometer against diesel and 50% against gasoline, both for light and heavy vehicles.

Due to these environmental and economic benefits, natural gas has experienced great growth as a vehicle fuel in the Iberian Peninsula. To analyze this extremely positive scenario for natural gas and sustainable mobility, and evaluate the latest developments in clean energy technologies, AltFuels Iberia 2020 will be held on 28-30 October at IFEMA Trade Fair Center in Madrid. For more information, please contact

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