First LNG bunkering operation completed in France

First LNG bunkering operation completed in France

The Port of Marseille Fos, Shell and Carnival carried out the first ship-to-ship LNG bunkering operation in France on the Costa Smeralda, operated by COSTA of the Carnival Group. Under contract with Carnival, Shell is supplying the LNG through one of their chartered bunker vessels, the Coral Methane, which is owned by the Dutch shipowner Anthony Veder

The bunkering operation was carried out in perfect coordination between the ship services of the Port of Marseille Fos (lookout, piloting, towing, mooring), Shell’s teams, and the crews of the Costa Smeralda and the Coral Methane, and with the reassuring presence of the nautical resources of the Marseille fire-fighters, who were closely monitoring this development in liaison with the teams of the Harbor Master’s Office at the Port of Marseille Fos.

“We are all proud to have been able to complete this operation smoothly and safely. It has required studies, instructions and procedures to be agreed with the various players, and in line with European and global standards. This is a first in France and proves to what extent, even during the current health crisis, we are capable of supporting the development of LNG, which is one of the measures deployed by the port to reduce its environmental impact,” said Amaury de Maupeou, Commander of Marseille Fos Port Authority.

“We’re pleased that even in these challenging times for the industry, Shell is able to play a small role in helping to ensure continuity of LNG supply to our customers. We’re glad that we have been able to work efficiently with the Port of Marseille and Carnival,” commented Tahir Faruqui, General Manager, Shell Global Downstream LNG. “Carnival is one of a growing number of organizations adopting LNG – the most affordable alternative to traditional marine fuels available today.”

“We are happy that our new LNG-powered flagship Costa Smeralda was part of this new milestone for the Port of Marseille in partnership with Shell,” said Franco Porcellacchia, Sustainable Innovation and Infrastructure Development Vice President Costa Group “Carnival and Costa specifically have been the first cruise operator to invest in sustainable innovation with LNG and continue to be committed to ensuring the highest environmental standards for a more sustainable future of cruising.”

The Port of Marseille Fos places environmental excellence at the heart of its strategy. It is preparing to become the Mediterranean hub for LNG, as refueling with natural gas is one of the flagship solutions for limiting the impact of emissions from ships.

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