Douglas Borough Council Conducts Natural Gas Vehicle Trial

Douglas Borough Council Conducts Natural Gas Vehicle Trial

The Douglas Borough council will be conducting a compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicle trial in partnership with Manx Gas for three months. 

Per the terms of the trial, the Douglas Borough council will be loaned an IVECO CNG-powered vehicle for three months. The council will make the loan vehicle available to other local authorities and interested parties.

“The council is always looking at new ways of reducing its carbon footprint and lessening the environmental impact of its service delivery activities,” says Ritchie McNichol, environmental services committee chair.

“It’s the right thing to do, and it’s the responsible thing to do, as set out in the council’s corporate plan. It also underlines our commitment to our status as a UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man partner,” he adds.

Findings indicate CO2 savings of between 5% and 15% can be achieved, and particulate mass emissions can be up 76% lower than Euro-6 diesel units. There are also potential fuel bill savings and reductions in noise levels.

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