Covid-19: The new normal in Oil & Gas raises the need for AI

Covid-19: The new normal in Oil & Gas raises the need for AI

AI technologies can play a key part in the transformation of the value chain of the oil and gas industry.

New Delhi: With a global health crisis, geopolitical issues leading to surplus production, and some key industry developments, the oil and gas industry is staring at a new normal of lower demand and subsequently lower crude prices. While the demand is expected to increase as the world shakes out of the pandemic and OPEC+ normalizes its relation and production quotas, industry players have to be agile and nimble to survive in the new reality. They must focus on transforming their value chain and operations, reducing their cost of production, processing, and transportation. AI technologies can play a key part in the transformation of the value chain of the oil and gas industry.

Challenges of limited/localized solutions and functional divisions

Currently, only 29 percent of energy enterprises claim to have AI technologies fully deployed and working as expected. Since most data and applications reside in silos, AI solutions are often deployed as localized point solutions that deliver little holistic value. With benefits starting to plateau quickly, disappointment over results influence future strategies.

As the industry integrates cross-domain data, the organization is still functionally divided across reservoir, geology, geophysics, engineering, and drilling. These divisions were a function of driving efficiency across the organization with a common team managing all the needs for a geo-technical function. This functional division driven by cost optimization needs of the past prevents the oil and gas organization from taking up larger cross-functional AI use cases.

Let us take a common example of deploying ML uses cases in drilling operations. Use cases implemented today are needed for safety and cost saving, yet they have a narrow focus on the data and functional aspects of drilling. Drilling efficacy and reduction of non-productive time (NPT) is a commonly adopted AI-driven use case, with NPT reducing algorithms that work on isolated channels like torque on mast motor for stuck pipes. A comprehensive modelling using instrumentation channels across the rigs can provide better modelling for drilling efficacy but within the realm of data and functional domain of drilling and well construction.

Moving towards universal solutions and cross functional governance

The market is dominated by solutions provided by software vendors focused on their niche expertise and isolated data. The industry has taken multiple steps to break the silo including open standard initiatives like PPDM, energetics and data virtualization solution. However, these past solutions were anchored on treating data as a transactional output and not as a decision enabler.

Oil and gas majors are moving towards an integrated data lake managed by a cross-domain governance team. Emergence of industry backed data lakes standards (Open Subsurface Data Universe – OSDU) enabling consolidation across domain data is helping integrate data operations. However, as commercially viable OSDU instances are at the least 12-18 months away, the industry continues to invest in custom data lake implementations.

Most of the large companies have established integrated data lakes which enable consumption of cross-domain data ranging from unstructured, transactional, real-time, IOT, and petro-technical data. Some have made good progress in integrating operational data for ML-driven analytics to predict the operating parameters for enhanced oil recovery including artificial lift optimization. The machine learning models run in tandem with the physics-based simulation engines to tune into optimal operating

However, users continue to struggle with the quality of the data including cross-referencing, duplication, transformations, and merging of cross-domain data sets. Teams continue to focus on narrow use cases on a functional domain, with a few exceptions.

A rise in unsupervised large language models like BERT and GPT2 in 2019 enabled machine learning models to make sense of unstructured organizational data. Oil and Gas companies have a wealth of information stuck on documents, reports and scanned assets.

Integrating Physics-based Models with Machine Learning Models

Artificial Intelligence powered operations provide decision support to mitigate risks as well as actionable insights to eliminate unplanned downtime, bottlenecks in process/workflow, and reduce safety incidents. However, the decision support process in the industry needs to align with current physics-based simulation models and algorithms enabling explainable AI for key decisions.

The promising emergence of the differential programming paradigm will enable the industry to augment data-driven AI with physics, while domain-driven models will enable better decisions and insights. However, the differential programming paradigm is not mainstream yet and the current machine learning frameworks and toolkits do not provide adequate support for differential programming paradigm.

What Next?

As the world emerges from the current turbulent times, it is quite likely the oil and gas industry will tread into a new world order of lower demand and unlikely alliances. This new normal will push the industry to efficient ways of operations with integrated teams breaking the existing cross-functional silos in both data and governance.

The new normal of lower demand and crude prices will need drilling efficacy to improve multi fold with a larger set of integrated processes and data flow. This could include integrated reservoir models which can be rerun based on the real time drilling data and production data from existing wells; or geological and geophysical interpretation models which can be rerun based on the real time data from the drilling process and learnings from the previous drilling reports.

We could also see well engineering workflows which can be triggered based on the changes from the reservoir and geo technical interpretation. Drilling could be powered with goal driven automation that calibrates as per measurement and dynamic plan to modify logistics including personnel, equipment and consumables.

The industry will continue to invest in AI technologies, but the demand and expectation from the technology will be scaled. Successful operators in the new normal will be defined by their ability to blend in the current physics and engineering technologies with data-driven analytics, machine learning, and automation.

[This piece was authored by Balakrishna D R , Senior Vice President, Service Offering Head – Energy, Communications, Services, and AI & Automation Services at Infosys]

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