Argentina approves regulation to import natural gas vehicles


Argentina approves regulation to import natural gas vehicles

The National Regulatory Entity of Gas (Enargas) announced that it approved the new regulatory framework for the qualification of imported passenger and cargo transportation vehicles that use CNG or LNG as fuel. The new initiative seeks to adapt the regulatory framework to new automotive technologies and generate an Argentine Gas Standard (NAG) to support the qualification of imported vehicles, reports the news agency Télam.

For this, the entity approved NAG 451 standard on “Procedure for the qualification of imported vehicles, powered by natural gas”, according to Enargas 42/2019 Resolution. The purpose of this new regulation is to establish the procedure to enable the supply of natural gas as fuel in imported vehicles, manufactured outside of Argentina, and thus meet the new demand for CNG and LNG.

The development of this type of vehicles constitutes a worldwide trend with regard to the use of fuels and a transition of the secondary energy grid towards cleaner and more efficient solutions. So, with this measure, the consumption of natural gas as a vehicle fuel is expected to increase, helping reduce the use of other imported liquid fuels.

Enargas explained that this regulation “was promoted with the aim of improving environmental conditions, particularly in areas of high urban concentration, safely using an energy resource that, in the medium term, could be abundant in the country.”

For its proper use, it is necessary to have “certified technologies through national regulations and international standards, applicable in countries with a recognized track record, in the use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel”, highlighted Enargas.

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