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SNAPSHOT, a fortnightly Newsletter, is a round up of gas sector covering India, as well as the global industry, published by Natural Gas Society and available on its website This is a newsletter where you can find Currrent Developments & News from the Gas industry,.

Snapshot covers National & International News on City Gas Distribution, Gas Pipelines, Policies, LNG, NGVs, Marine & Techonology etc. 


City Gas Distribution & Auto LPG

Natural Gas/Pipelines/ Company News

Eletric Mobility

Policy Matters / Gas Pricing Others

LNG Development and Shipping


Natural Gas / Transnational Pipelines/ Others

Global LNG Development

Natural Gas / LNG Utilization

LNG as Marine Fuel / Shipping

Technological Development for Cleaner and Greener Environment

Natural Gas Society (NGS), is a registered body, established to catalyse the development of the Natural Gas based industry in India. It serves as a forum for exchange of ideas and best practices for the Indian gas industry, especially in the transmission and distribution segments. It is working towards optimisation of resources and continual improvement of safety and service aspects through the promotion, transfer of new technologies and best practices. You can find latest Sectoral industry news and updates including Press Releases at