World’s most eco-friendly bulk carriers were delivered in China

World’s most eco-friendly bulk carriers were delivered in China


The next-generation bulk carriers Haaga and Viikki were delivered to Aspo Group’s ESL Shipping from Jinling Shipyard in Nanjing, China. The 160-meter, 25,600 dwt, LNG-powered vessels generates less than 50% of the carbon dioxide emissions of the previous generation of vessels.

They can also be fueled by completely carbon-free biogas, once the availability of biogas improves over time. The vessels, which incorporate several innovative solutions to reduce its environmental footprint by minimizing their energy consumption and emissions, will first head from the shipyard to Japan, from where they will arrive fully laden at the Baltic Sea approximately by mid-September (Haaga) and the end of October (Viikki).

The plan is that both vessels will travel to the Baltic Sea via the Northern Sea Route. This shortens the travel time by nearly three weeks compared to the route via the Panama Canal and, therefore, significantly reduces the environmental impact of the trip. The completion of the new vessels will have a positive effect on the shipping company’s profitability and competitiveness. “Viikki and Haaga significantly reduce emissions from our customers’ transportation chains, and this new vessel category increases the flexibility of deliveries.

We are proud that these innovative and energy-efficient vessels sail under the Finnish flag,” said Mikki Koskinen, Managing Director of ESL Shipping. “This investment of around EUR 60 million is significant for a company of Aspo’s size. It’s also an excellent example of our responsible ownership, as environmental responsibility involves considering future generations, too. The design and construction of the new vessels were completed as planned.

The vessels will considerably increase ESL Shipping’s capacity, in addition to improving its profitability,” added Aki Ojanen, CEO of Aspo Plc and Chairman of the Board of Directors of ESL Shipping. This newbuilding project is part of the Bothnia Bulk project, partly funded by the EU. Its goal is to modernize the sea route between Luleå, Oxelösund and Raahe to be more eco-friendly. The vessels have been designed by Deltamarin in Finland, and European equipment suppliers have provided roughly 60% of all vessel systems.

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