Gujarat firm to provide piped gas in Fatehgarh Sahib district

Gujarat firm to provide piped gas in Fatehgarh Sahib district

The Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) has entrusted the Gujarat-based IRM

Energy Pvt. Ltd with the task of setting up city gas distribution (CGD) system in Fatehgarh Sahib

district. The network will cover an area of 1,146 sq km, including Amloh, Bassi Pathana,

Khamano, Sirhind-Fatehgarh Sahib, Mandi Gobindgarh etc. The project includes supply of piped

natural gas in the city and nearby areas and laying, building, operating and expanding the city

gas distribution for the purpose in the district.

The city gas project in the area will bring in revolutionary changes in the gas distribution

network. The work on the project is likely to start before January 2017. The company has also

been asked by the board to submit the financial closure within six months so as to ensure timely

commencement and completion of the project.

According to the authorisation letter issued by the PNGRB, the operator would maintain an

uninterrupted supply of natural gas to all categories of customers in the CGD network. In the

event of any disruption in the supply of natural gas, first priority shall be accorded to the

restoration of supply to domestic PNG customers. In case of disruption of supply to domestic

PNG customers for more than 12 hours, the entity would be liable to compensate the


The letter further states that the operator will lay at least 650-km pipeline during the first five

years of operations.

Once operational, it would prove not only be a boon for the residents of the area but also for

the steel cluster of Mandi Gobindgarh, as they can switch over to cleaner fuels. Mandi

Gobindgarh and adjoining Khanna have over 400 industrial units.

Earlier, the PNGRB had put 34 areas for bidding to set up city gas distribution (CGD) networks

under the six rounds of auction.

To facilitate expansion of the cleaner fuel, the government has allocated 100% domestic gas

supply for city gas usage. to-provide- piped-gas- in-fatehgarh- sahib-


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