RIL gets green nod for exploratory drilling project in TN

RIL gets green nod for exploratory drilling project in TN

The Centre’s green panel has given its nod to RIL for carrying out eight additional exploratory well

drilling to ascertain reservoir capacity and commercial viability of hydrocarbons in the block CY-III-D5 in

Bay of Bengal off the coast of Tamil Nadu.

Reliance Industries has been awarded exploratory rights for hydrocarbons prospecting in the offshore

block DY-III-D5 under the New Exploration Licensing Policy-III. RIL has already been given the

environment clearance to drill 11 exploratory wells in this block. As on date, the company has drilled

nine wells and discovered hydrocarbons in three wells.

Since seismic data and the drilling campaign shows presence of hydrocarbons in the block, RIL is

planning to carry out eight additional exploratory well drilling to establish the reservoir capacity in this


“In a recent meeting, the Expert Appraisal Committee of the Environment Ministry examined the

proposal. After detailed deliberations, the committee recommended the project for environment

clearance,” a senior government official said.

The Committee has recommended the Ministry to give final clearance to RIL’s project subject to certain

specific and general conditions, the official added.

Among key conditions specified, the Panel has suggested the company to ensure gas produced during

the testing should be flared with appropriate flaring booms. The flare system should be designed as per

good oil field practices and oil industry safety directorate guidelines.

The company should ensure that there is no impact on flora and fauna due to drilling of wells in the

offshore sea. It should undertake conservation measures to protect the marine animals/biota in the


The company should monitor the petroleum hydrocarbons and heavy metals concentration in the

marine fish species regularly and submit report to the government.

Among others, the Panel suggested that all the hazardous waste generated at the rig/offshore facility

should be properly treated, transported to on shore and disposed of in accordance with the norms.

Reliance entered the exploration and production business by becoming a 30 per cent partner in an

unincorporated joint venture with British Gas and RIL in the Panna Mukta and Mid and South Tapti


Besides Panna Mukta and Tapti (PMT) blocks, their domestic portfolio comprises of five conventional oil

and gas blocks in Krishna Godavari, Mahanadi, Cauvery Palar, Gujarat Saurashtra and Cambay Basin and

two Coal Bed Methane (CBM) blocks in Sohagpur East and West in Madhya Pradesh. The company also

has blocks in overseas.


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