Luxfer Launches 2nd-Gen Type 4 CNG Cylinders

Luxfer Launches 2nd-Gen Type 4 CNG Cylinders

Luxfer Gas Cylinders launched its second generation of G-Stor™ Go Type 4 carbon composite cylinders at

ACTExpo in Long Beach, California earlier this month. The GEN2 G-Stor Go cylinders provide a 9 percent

volume increase of compressed natural gas (CNG) in terms of diesel gallon equivalents (DGEs) and a 15

percent weight savings compared to the company’s first-generation Type 4 AF cylinders.

When compared to conventional competitive hybrid carbon-fiberglass cylinders, the DGE volume

improvement increases to 14 percent and the weight savings grows to 30 percent (compared to the

standard 26-inch x 90-inch carbon-and-fiberglass hybrid cylinder made by a leading manufacturer of

Type 4 cylinders other than Luxfer).

Cylinder diameters from 22 inches to 27 inches are available; cylinder lengths range from 40 inches to

140 inches, the longest Type 4 fuel cylinder in the industry. GEN2 cylinders feature a new polymer liner

and patented boss design that provide a high level of liner performance and gas retention.

Luxfer recently began shipping new GEN2 cylinders to its customers that serve the trash truck, class-8

heavy-duty truck and medium-duty truck sectors.

GEN2 cylinders are equipped with Luxfer’s proprietary G-Flo™ valves that enable faster filling and

provide more usable gas.

EN2 G-Stor Go cylinders are manufactured at the Luxfer plant in Riverside, Calif.

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