Turkmenistan to start producing Euro-5 gasoline

Turkmenistan to start producing Euro-5 gasoline

Seidi refinery in Turkmenistan’s east will start to produce high-quality Euro-5 gasoline from 2016, the country’s Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry and Mineral Resources said.

“This motor fuel is distinct from the previous generation of gasoline, with lower content of sulfur and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,” said the message from the ministry.

With this gasoline, engines work quieter, it becomes easier to launch them, corrosion processes are prevented, vibration and fuel consumption is reduced, according to the ministry.

The US Westport Trading Europe Limited company won the tender won designing and reconstruction of a facility for production of the new generation gasoline, said the Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry and Mineral Resources.

Additionally, Westport Trading Europe Limited commissioned a new technological unit for production of road bitumen at Seidi refinery in early 2015, according to the message.

The complex covering an area of 1.5 hectares is meant to process 118,000 metric tons of fuel oil per year and 37,200 metric tons of high-quality road bitumen will be produced from it annually.

“Modern highways should be constructed with high-quality road-building materials,” said the ministry. “It is a relevant issue for Turkmenistan due to the climatic conditions. Thus, road bitumen with high operational factor becomes a strategic material for the country.”


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