Mumbai: State govt releases Biodiesel policy 2021

The Maharashtra Government on Tuesday released Bio-diesel (manufacturing, storage, supply, selling) policy 2021. As per the policy, the direct sale of bio diesel B for mixing it with diesel in vehicles is banned as it is allowed only after registration of B 100 with the competent authority. The registration will be applicable for two years and its renewal be done 45 days before the expiry.

In Mumbai and Thane, the Controller Rationing and Director of Civil Supply will be the competent authority for the registration for manufacture, storage, supply and sale of biodiesel. The registration will be granted after completion of due procedure and payment of Rs 1,000 as registration fee.

The government has said the competent authority has powers to cancel the registration in the wake of violation of norms and procedures. It will be mandatory to display the registration at the sites of manufacturing, storage, supply and sale. Besides, they will have to put up a board on the percentage of biodiesel to be mixed with the high speed diesel. They will also have to put up in writing that the mixing of bio diesel in excess of the stipulated norms may damage the vehicle engine.

Further, the auto fuel pumps owned or run by dealers will also have to display in bold norms with regard to mixing of bio diesel in the high speed diesel and adverse impact in the wake of excess mixing.

The Controller of Rationing, Director of Civil Supply and the government recognised officers will be delegated with powers to enter into the outlet, inspect, collect samples and seize the outlet in the wake of adulteration or malpractices.

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