Over 144 bcm of LNG consumed in Iran in current year

Over 144 bcm of LNG consumed in Iran in current year

Tehran – Gas Supply Manager in Iran National Gas Company Nasser Ebrahimi said 144.375 billion cubic meters of natural liquefied gas has been consumed so far in the country since the beginning of calendar year (March 21, 2014).

This amount of LNG has been consumed in houses, trade units, power plants, and minor or major industries.

Ebrahimi said last year, the average daily consumption in houses was 221 mcm, which has risen to 228 this year.

In the 316 days since the beginning of the Iranian year, 71.837 bcm of gas was consumed in houses, trade units, and minor industries while the figure in the previous year was 69.903 bcm.

Ebrahimi said 44.554 bcm of gas has been delivered to power plants in the past 316 days to prevent consumption of liquefied fuels and air pollution. The figure was around 33 bcm in the previous year.

The official also warned about the growing trend of gas consumption in Iran, saying if the trend continues, Iran will become an energy importer in the next 10 years.


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