Argentina: Scania organizes event to demonstrate the benefits of NGV

Argentina: Scania organizes event to demonstrate the benefits of NGV

After a successful first meeting in which the objectives of the working group and the importance of having a sustainable transport system were addressed, Scania presented the environmental benefits of natural gas as a transport fuel and focused on this alternative energy as the one with the greatest potential in the region

This second meeting of the Sustainable Transport Roundtable was attended by more than 25 logistics companies and freight operators belonging to the United Nations’ Global Compact Network Argentina.

Lucas Woinilowicz, Business Development Manager of the Swedish firm, was in charge of presenting the benefits of using natural gas as an alternative fuel, for both cargo and passenger transport.

“A 20% reduction in CO2 emissions, a decrease in noise pollution and improvements in operating costs of around 40% are some of the benefits that gas provides. In addition to this, the high availability of this fuel in Argentina and the region make it an ideal option for transportation,” said the manager.

At the beginning of this year Scania presented Green Efficiency, its line of products powered by natural gas and biogas, which forms a sustainable variant created with the aim of achieving more efficient and sustainable transport.

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