GasNet opens first mobile LNG station in Czech Republic

GasNet opens first mobile LNG station in Czech Republic

GasNet, a Czech natural gas distributor, has put into operation the first public mobile self-serve unit for liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the Czech market.

The facility is located in Klecany near Prague, in the direct proximity of Highway D8 at the Volvo Group truck center Prague North in Klecany.

“LNG technology has been tried and tested over more than 20 years. We estimate that the number of LNG-powered trucks in the Czech Republic will be increasing fast, at a similar rate as is the case with compressed natural gas (CNG). Likewise, we are confident that LNG will play a key role in meeting the Czech Republic’s environmental targets for the years 2025 and 2030 as regards reducing emissions,” says GasNet’s chief financial officer Thomas Merker.

Demand for LNG as a fuel has been recently rising throughout Europe. As elsewhere, LNG-powered vehicles are currently the only proven, realistic option for meeting the EU’s emission targets for truck transport in the Czech Republic.

Compared to diesel engines, LNG vehicles produce a significantly lower amount of emissions, generate less noise, and have lower operating costs over comparable traveling distances.

According to the National Clean Mobility Action Plan, there will be 6,900 LNG-powered trucks and 30 fueling stations in the Czech Republic by the year 2030.

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