Andamur & Logifuel bet on natural gas mobility with Scania Spain’s help

Andamur & Logifuel bet on natural gas mobility with Scania Spain’s help

Transport services company Andamur has found Scania’s natural gas vehicles the ideal choice to reduce carbon footprint and pollution. Now, its strategic fuel supplier Logifuel has incorporated its first natural gas truck. It is a Scania with a 13-liter 410 HP engine and a maximum torque of 2,000 Nm, powered by LNG that works in conjunction with Scania Opticruise, the brand’s automated transmission.

The main reasons that have motivated Logifuel to opt for LNG have been the reduction of up to 15-20% of CO2 emissions, as well as the extra reduction of emissions regulated by Euro 6 standards; NO2 in 100%, NOx in 80%, PM in 96% and SO2 in 100%. These emissions are those that accumulate in cities and negatively affect the health of the people who inhale them. In addition, these vehicles have the ECO label from the DGT (Spanish Directorate-General for Traffic) to access cities in scenarios of restrictions due to high pollution.

“In addition to our concern to reduce the carbon footprint through NOx and CO2 emissions in the environment, the stable price of natural gas, usually cheaper than diesel and with less volatility, have been key to taking the step towards LNG,” said Jorge Sanz, Logifuel administrator.

He also expressed: “Having an updated but consolidated model, with proven low fuel consumption and an ideal cabin suitable for the usual work we carry out, has been what undoubtedly has motivated us to choose Scania to be the brand of our natural gas vehicle.”

This tractor will be mainly dedicated to the transport of liquid bulk in ADR tankers between the Basque Country/Navarra and La Rioja and in Catalonia between Barcelona and La Junquera. “Thanks to close collaboration with our main client Andamur, who plans to implement LNG refueling points at its main facilities, it will be much easier to refuel natural gas,” added Sanz.

The new LNG truck was delivered through Comercial Conauto, Scania’s official dealer in Navarra.

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