GAIL organises industry meet on Digital Transformation

GAIL organises industry meet on Digital Transformation

In order to share knowledge and experience about cutting edge digital technologies among India’s oil and gas companies, GAIL (India) Limited today organised an Industry Meet on Digital Transformation here.

Inaugurating the Industry Meet, GAIL Chairman & Managing Director Dr Ashutosh Karnatak said “Digital Yatra 2.0 is launched. Gone are the days to walk and run, not even the time to sprint. But we have to fly.

Let’s all get on-board on this digital journey. So, think digital and be digital.” The Industry Meet was organised with an aim to enrich participants with knowledge and experience of peer organizations in the digitalization journey.

This was a signification step towards building greater synergy in leveraging emerging digital technologies such as Machine Learning, Advanced Analytics, Cloud, IIoT and Digital Twins for the mutual benefit of individual organizations as well as industry. Dr Karnatak said, “the digital journey needs to be inclusive where we have to take the entire organization together.

The next milestone in our digital journey is to work together as an industry. This is the time when we have to work together and learn from each other and grow in our digital journey.”

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