4th O&M Workshop

4th Operations & Maintenance Workshop 2020


Organized by Natural Gas Society, sponsored by GAIL India Limited with support sponsorship by Pipeline Infrastructure Ltd (PIL) and Central UP Gas Limited (CUGL) during 17th and 18th February 2020 at India International Centre New Delhi


The 4th Operations and Maintenance Workshop for CGD companies organized by the Natural Gas Society, was held at India International Centre New Delhi. The workshop aimed at providing a common platform for the prestigious and renowned City Gas Distribution Companies to share their views as well as discussion on major issues and their probable solution.

The complete workshop was divided into 6 sessions. Presentations related to the vital aspects of the CGD projects were made followed by a very interactive question answer session.

SESSION 1- Inaugural Session

SESSION 2- City Gas Distribution Challenges

SESSION 3- Gas Loss Accounting System in CGD

SESSION 4- Gas O&M practices & challenges (esp. in dispenser, customer addressing etc.)

SESSION 5- New Initiatives, AMR& its application to CGD Industry

SESSION 6- New Technology in CGD Industry

In the inaugural session a brief outlook of the Indian gas based industry was shared by the distinguished speakers. It was highlighted that India is moving towards a gas based economy and around 10 billion$ would be required to increase the share of natural gas from present 6.5% to 15%  by 2030, in the energy basket of India. Private players have emerged successfully seeing the growth of CGD market in India. Implementing new technologies right from the beginning of setting up of infrastructure will be cost effective including use of AI and Data Analytics.

During the second session an update of the present day operational constraints faced by the CGD industry was taken up. It was projected that around 12000 new CNG stations are planned but in next 5-6 years but the development of the infrastructure might pose a challenge. Non availability of properly located land coupled with delay in statutory clearances of CNG station tends to delay project implementation. At present there is a large demand – supply gap in the ancillary equipment sectors like meters, boosters and compressors as they are mostly imported from other countries. Emergence of electric vehicles in the near future might force a shift in the strategy of gas marketing in India.

The third session was focused on the Gas Loss Accounting System aspect and how it is handled by the CGD industry.  It was opined by the panel members that there is no set standard on how much gas loss is allowable by any entity but all efforts are taken to minimize within the limits of safe operational practices. It is estimated that for a gas loss of 2% which is around 18 MMSCM,  at the current gas price, an estimated value of Rs 36 Cr will be lost annually. These losses can be attributed to metering issues, network leakages loss, apart from the inferior network design, inefficient measuring devices whose range is less, lack of trained manpower, gas theft etc., that contributes to the unaccounted gas loss. It was highlighted that “risers” are the biggest source of leakage and with time the meters even lose their precision and efficiency. Several practices are now practiced by the industry – like, automation in the industrial and commercial sector by IGL with efficient use of SCADA for detection of leakages. Recommendations like, gas loss detection by increasing the odorant level, surprise visit to suspected areas, optimizing the pressure regulator from 4 bar to 2.1 or 2.2 bar, use of laser, infrared cameras, smart meters and hourly or daily sales and consumption data analysis, were also discussed..

The fourth session was around O&M practices pertaining to the host of ancillary equipments, associated with CNG stations. It was highlighted that in this sector critical problems includes high electricity bill, uninterrupted power supply (UPS) related, maintenance of control room, maintenance of electrical panel, etc. Practical case studies were taken up like compressor failure due to mechanical movement, fatigue, foreign materials such as liquid carryover, dirty gas, and carbon formation due to high temperature etc. Discussion was held on, use of Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) in CGD which is growing at a very fast rate. Major advantages include, 100% meter reading for every customer, 100% elimination of assessed bills to customer, elimination of manual errors and remote switching off the household meter in case of payment default. However, there are some challenges too, when we talk of AMR, these are related to firm ware up-gradation, technology challenges and syncing all AMR’s to the SCADA

In the fifth session discussion was held on new initiatives, AMR technology adopted by the CGD industry. The various methods adopted for data acquisition, data analysis, FRS, MRS system, and general service platform were taken up. The general service platform uses data condensing software for optimal equipment USES and malware use for example – motion and control dispenser, PNG pricing slab, customer data. New technologies were also discussed like the long range RF based communication, GPRS and GPS based systems.

During the sixth and concluding session a captivating detailed presentation was delivered by LCNG operation in-charge at Gail Bhubaneswar LCNG station. It is the first of its type facility set up by GAIL India Ltd., on the eastern coast of India. The challenges and their remedial steps were also discussed. This was followed by Type 3 CNG cylinders, mobile refueling unit and their operation. There were deliberations on fast filling system, and improving CNG station operation, enterprise GIS solution is a technology that can provide business development through its GIS Map. This app development replaces dependency on computers and can cover the entire gas utilities and asset maps. The pipeline data can be captured and archived in GIS. The last presentation was on Aspro Variable Compressor It saves and reuses energy more efficiently. Low Flow Compressor (for smaller size around 4-40 bar. Hydraulic Compressor (to get high capacity around 40 KW in low power consumption).

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SESSION 2 – CEOs Forum

SESSION 3 – Panel Discussion

SESSION 4 – O and M practices and challenges

SESSION 5 – EV Initiatives, AMR

WELCOME – Mr. Manoj Jain, Chairman / MD, Gail India Ltd

SESSION 6 – New Technology in CGD Industry