WA pushes Pilbara LNG fuelling hub
The Western Australia Government will offer LNG vessels at Pilbara a discount in port dues to establish the region as a global fuelling hub.
The McGowan Government will offer a 50 per cent discount in port dues to bulk vessels bunkering with LNG at Pilbara ports from 1 July 2020, with the price cut to remain in place for the next five years.
The state government said the move was part of plan to promote the use of LNG-fuelled vessels to export resources over heavy fuel oil vessels, which would reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
“The Pilbara is already globally renowned as an LNG production powerhouse, and my government is taking steps to turn the Pilbara into an international LNG fuelling hub,” said WA Premier Mark McGowan.
“A Pilbara LNG Bunkering Hub could create more than 100 long-term jobs in the Pilbara, while supporting global efforts to reduce carbon emissions from the shipping industry.”
Ports Minister Alannah MacTiernan said resource companies had already tendered for LNG-fuelled vessels to carry iron ore from the Pilbara.
“We’ve moved quickly to capitalise on this opportunity before our competitors in Southeast Asia claim the mantle,” she said.
“Importantly, a Pilbara LNG Bunkering Hub provides the platform for WA to become the region’s major renewable hydrogen producer and fuelling stop – driving down carbon emissions from shipping and creating a whole new industry for the Pilbara.”
The WA Government said transitioning iron ore exports to LNG-fuelled vessels could reduce emission by up to 6 million t/year.